Hill Start Assist (HSA)
This vehicle has an HSA feature, which may be useful when the vehicle is stopped
on a grade sufficient enough to activate HSA.
This feature is designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling, either forward
or rearward, during vehicle drive off. After the driver completely stops and holds
the ve ...
Driving on Wet Roads
Rain and wet roads can reduce vehicle traction and affect your ability to stop
and accelerate.
Always drive slower in these types of driving conditions and avoid driving through
large puddles and deep-standing or flowing water.
Wet brakes can cause crashes.
They might not work as wel ...
Recreational Vehicle Towing
Recreational vehicle towing refers to towing the vehicle behind another vehicle,
such as behind a motor home. The two most common types of recreational vehicle towing
are known as dinghy towing and dolly towing. Dinghy towing is towing the vehicle
with all four wheels on the ground. Dolly towi ...